Before Samsung launched the Galaxy S24 succession clothed in January, near were rumors with the aim of the latest phones would include satellite messaging, related to the bring forward to be had on Apple’s newer models. While this bring forward was not integrated by the side of the launch, it’s in a jiffy at length rolling available in lieu of a little users.
Sooner than getting too excited, however, this news comes with a caveat. It’s lone to be had to T-Mobile customers who practical to test the company’s T-Mobile Starlink service. T-Mobile announced with the aim of bring forward clothed in dignified 2022, and earlier this month, it (finally) announced with the aim of satellite messaging beta registration would soon stay to be had in lieu of direct-to-cell satellite service. It doesn’t require a fee; you ought to retain a postpaid tally. You can sign up to test the bring forward in a jiffy.
In lieu of users with supported policy, navigate to Settings > associates > Satellite Networks to achieve the citation. Previously customary up, you can send out and receive messages clothed in areas not including nearby cellular make contacts coverage.
Machine 15 introduced satellite messaging support to machine phones in lieu of the opening epoch, potentially enhancing transmission capabilities clothed in remote areas someplace traditional cellular networks are unavailable. This bring forward enables users to send out texts in lieu of emergencies and other vital messages via satellite, ensuring connectivity even clothed in the nearly everyone isolated environments.
However, carrier support and compatible policy are necessary to make the most of this functionality entirely. Unfortunately, nearly everyone manufacturers are still integrating this capability into their policy.
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